Using Spamming you can spam any profitable websites like Paypal, Apple, Office365, etc. So why you need to spam, because those websites are not hackable so you cant hack their database, so you need to collect CC details and Username and Password with Ip-Address using Spamming. So you need to create a scam-page and need to host it on a server, then you need to dump fresh email from websites, then you need your hosted scampage link  to send those email address with warning message like “ Someone trying to access your Account”. When they enter user and pass you will get all this with ip-address.


First of all you need to hack a HTTPS website and Upload Shell on that server. If you can hack that server's CPANEL then it will very Good for Uploading otherwise you must have a HTTPS SHELLED WEBSITE. Or you can buy a HTTPS domain. 

upload shell in website


Now you need a ScamPage. If you want to spam Paypal then you need to create a Paypal Scam Page. And then you need the same website's Letter. You need to add your email in ScamPage for Spamming results. You need to create your own Letter for hit Inbox. I have many Scampages and Letters, download link in below:
You can use this software and Example Letter to make your own Letter to hit Inbox. Software Link ] , [ Example Letter Format ]

4 PayPal ScamPages -
Link 1 --------- Alternet Link 1]
Link 2 --------- Alternet Link 2 ]
Link 3 --------- Alternet Link 3 ]
Link 4 --------- Alternet Link 4 ]

2 PayPal Letters -
[ Link 1 --------- Alternet Link 1]
[ Link 2 --------- Alternet Link 2 ]

3 PayPal Checker 
[ Link 1 ] , [ Link 2 ] , [ Link 3 ]


After creating your Scampage and Letter, you need to Host your Scampage in Shelled Site or Cpanel then test that link is working or not, and type all those informations and check all informations are coming in your email or not. If coming then your hosting part is complete, now you need to add your scampage hosting link in Letter.

4 Chase Bank ScamPages -  
[ Link 1 ] , [ Link 2 ] , [ Link 3 ] , [ Link 4 ]

1 Chase Bank Letter -  [ Link 1 ]


Now you need to dump Fresh Email Address from Websites using SqliDumper or SqlMap or Manual Sql Injection. After dumping emails you need to extract those emails by domain names.
2 Email Extractors -
[ Email Extractors ] , [ Email Extractors 2 ]
Now you need checker for check your email address is valid or not.
3 Paypal Checker -
Link 1 ] , [ Link 2 ] , [ Link 3 ]


After checking email you got valid emails, now you need a Sender which can send your Letter in Inbox to the Victims Email which you dumped before.

3 PHP Inbox Mailers -
[ GX69 ] , [ LeafMailer ] , [ Mailer Inbox ]

4 SMTP Inbox Mailers -
[ Smtp Mailer ] , [ Heart Sender ]
[ Alexux Mailer ] , [ Send Blaster Premium ]


1. Usa Bank Scam Page [ Link ]

2. TD Bank Scam Page [ Link ]

3. WellsFargo Bank Scam Page [ Link ]

4. WellsFargo Bank Letter [ Link ]

5. Scam Pages by XAthena [ Link ]

6. Scam Pages by Mando [ Link ]

7. Scam Pages by Xcesarx [ Link ]

8. Credit Card ScamPage [ Link ]

2 Amazon Scam Page - [ Link 1 ] , [ Link 2 ]

1 Amazon Letter - [ Link ]

1 Amazon Valid Email Checker - [ Link

Ebay Scam Page [ Link ]                               

Office365 ScamPage [ Link ]

BlockChain Scampage [ Link ]                        

BlockChain Letter [ Link ]

Bank of America Scampage [ Link ]

Facebook & Gmail & Apple Scam Pages All in One Zip  [ Link ]


Here you can see all the spamming step by step. Watch the below video, here you can learn more about spamming.

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